wFeb 10, 2008

Life is imitating art.

I need a more serious West Wing icon. Really, I need more icons in general. I would like a paid LiveJournal account. One day, this will happen! But I think I'm going to wait to do stuff like that until I have a job. Or something.

Anyway, a co-worker and I were talking on Friday about the similarities between the current presidential election and the election that took place during seasons 6 and 7 on The West Wing. The West Wing is my favorite TV show of all time, but it's the first four seasons, when Aaron Sorkin was on board, that are my favorite. While I watched season 7, I found parts of it making me roll my eyes because the issues on the show were ripped right from current headlines about politics and international situations. I find this to be lazy storytelling.

How ironic now, that "life imitates art," as they would say on the show. I wanted to make my own list, but after I posted in the LiveJournal West Wing community, someone directed me to this article, so I can just post the similarities someone else has written out! Bwaha.

West Wing: The battle for the Democratic nomination for the President was very close
Real Life: The battle for the Democratic nomination for the President is very close

West Wing: The Democrats were considering whether to choose their first Hispanic candidate Matt Santos
Real Life: The Democrats are considering whether to choose their first Black candidate Barack Obama

West Wing: Matt Santos started out as a rank outsider before gradually overhauling the “establishment” candidates
Real Life: Barack Obama started out as a rank outsider before gradually overhauling the “establishment” candidates

West Wing: Matt Santos has two young children Peter and Miranda.
Real Life: Barack Obama has two young children Malia and Sasha.

West Wing: Matt Santos was billed as the “change” candidate, offering a new politics.
Real Life: Barack Obama is billed as the “change” candidate, offering a new politics.

West Wing: No one knew who would win the Democrat nomination until the National Convention.
Real Life: It looks like no one will know who will win the Democrat nomination until the National Convention.

West Wing: The Republicans chose an old bloke to be their candidate - Senator Arnold Vinick
Real Life: The Republicans are likely to choose an old bloke to be their candidate - Senator John McCain

West Wing: Republicans chose a centre-right candidate who the religious South deem to be dangerously liberal.
Real Life: Republicans are set to choose a centre-right candidate who the religious South deem to be dangerously liberal.

West Wing: Matt Santos triumphs in the 2006 election, winning Nevada by 30,000 votes, with an electoral margin of 272–266
Real Life: It remains to be seen!

And on a related note, blogger Ann Althouse started an interesting conversation about the fact that Democratic superdelegates are totally capable of thwarting Democratic voters and caucus goers by voting however they want. The post is here. These are the rules we play by. Are they the rules we should play by?

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scribbled mystickeeper at 11:59 AM

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