wNov 13, 2007

I hate titles, sadface

Yesterday, I took my last midterm. Now, I just need to write one more paper for every class (in the next couple of weeks), and get through finals. It went well, though - I felt like I pwned that midterm. LET'S BRING UP THE GRADE! Hopefully! Now I just need to do better on the next paper, too, although that shouldn't be too hard as my first paper sucked.

The rest of the day that included working/schooling was pretty meh. I think I've figured out that I'm much better at getting homework done at work in the morning, when nobody's talking yet. Because, in the afternoons, we pretty much just talk and eat candy the entire time. Not that that's not cool.

But! After work, class, and dinner, I went to Sandy's apartment, and we watched Heroes! And I squeed over her shelves of books, and I brought her like, 8 volumes of manga to corrupt her share with her. She also walked back to my place with me, and I got to be ashamed about my messy room. But, yay for nearby friends! She invited me to the writing group she's a part of, too. Possibly....I just suck at making time for writing while I'm in school.

I've started making a Christmas wish list to give to my family. I suppose that it is rather eclectic. Speaking of Christmas: If I am not related to you, or currently dating you, you need to tell me if you're getting me something for Christmas. I like exchanging presents, and I think Christmas is pretty neat, but if I bought a present for everyone I thought was awesome, I would go bankrupt. Soooo, let me know!

What the heck, I sign up for my last semester of classes EVAR tomorrow. I should probably figure out what I'm taking, bwahaha.

Current Music: Starless Night - Olivia inspi' Trapnest (NANA)

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scribbled mystickeeper at 10:22 AM

when I click on the list-link, it just takes me to my wishlist. I already know what's on that!

By Blogger Antoine, at 10:48 PM, November 13, 2007  

Thanks, Boyfriend! I fixed it!

By Blogger mystickeeper, at 11:23 PM, November 13, 2007  

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