wNov 9, 2006


I think I've read at least 10 journal entries today, between blog posts and Livejournal posts, of people spewing their upset-ness over the election results regarding the Wisconsin referenda. I mean, it's fine to be upset. I'm upset - I'm also sad that Mark Green didn't win. I know most of my blog readers don't like his politics, so I've tried to just not say anything, but whatever. It was a weird feeling watching his concession speech - I want to know what's going to happen to everybody who worked in his office with me. I'm sure they're all feeling really bad about it, but I feel like it'd be weird to send an "I'm sorry!" email. :/

But yeah - the accusations that everybody in Wisconsin is an idiot or a big fat jerk are getting a little old, and it's only been a day. I feel passionately about the issue, and so do a lot of people, but guess what - most of politics is like that, and sometimes people disagree. They're still people. They still had reasons for voting the way they did, however much you may disagree with them. It's clearly a case of the majority of people being uninformed about what the referendum meant. Look at this map. Obviously, Wisconsin wasn't ready for this. 70% of people under 30 voted "no." 70% of people over the age of like, 70 or something voted "yes." Our generation will be the voice of change. We just have to be patient, and wait until people like my father, who after 3 conversations still didn't understand that gay marriage was already illegal in Wisconsin and would remain that way no matter what, can no longer vote.

It'll be okay. Democrats took both the House and the Senate, which pleases me. I think they also took the Wisconsin state senate, which also pleases me. Maybe now they'll stop doing stupid shit, like forcing 7-year-olds to ride in car seats while allow 8-year-olds to use shotguns. Or gay marriage bans. Or reinstating the death penalty. Or maybe that would have died down anyway, since John Gard isn't there any more.

The election's over, and it's time to move on.

Or, if you're in my Political Science class, it's time to freak out and write a 10-page paper on something relating to polling data from these elections....you don't even know what yet, but you probably won't be able to worry about it because you're too busy deciding what to write the American Lit paper that's due on Monday. Oh, school.

Ghost Hunters is updated. I'm now caught up through...Saturday. Shits.

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scribbled mystickeeper at 1:27 AM

It's not really fair to say that gay marriage would've stayed un-recognized if the amendment hadn't passed.

The whole point of the amendment is to keep gay marriage illegal - so that what happened in NJ and Massachusetts doesn't happen here.

And I do think most people understood what it was about - most Americans strongly believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman. I'm not really sure why, but it is.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, November 09, 2006  

I know that the majority of Americans are against gay marriage, but what I meant was this specific constitutional amendment itself, and what it means. I talked to my mom the day after the election, and she told me she still didn't understand whether "Yes" or "No" meant that she was supporting or voting against the amendment, and that even if she did know that, she didn't understand what the amendment meant, and didn't know what a civil union meant.

I mean, my mom's not an idiot. She watches the news every night, and usually knows who political candidates are, from the school board to the presidency. Maybe I shouldn't use my mom as an example, but I'll venture the guess that if she didn't understand what it was about, then there's at least a small percentage of voters who also didn't know.

By Blogger mystickeeper, at 9:36 AM, November 10, 2006  

Okay, yeah. Are there any polls that show what people think of civil unions, if you call them something other than marriage?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:22 AM, November 11, 2006  

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