wApr 10, 2006

I always get hungry right after midnight! Stomach: Too bad!

I love when professors sent out emails just before exams.
"To study, I would just read over your notes from lecture, all of the textbook readings we've done, and all of the side readings."

I will be so happy after Tuesday's midterm! - after that, I think I have at least two weeks. Maybe the grades won't go up, but at least I'll have time to strategize and try.

I do apologize for part of my long post on Friday. When I impolitely urged you all to not leave comments telling me to 'cheer up,' it was my way of saying that I didn't want it to be treated as an isolated incident, or that I was blowing it out of proportion. I definitely could have found a better way to say it. If I can write about whatever I want to on this blog and leave it open for comments, then it really is rude of me to tell you what to say in response. If I wanted to do that, why write on the Internet at all? I definitely, definitely, definitely did not write it with anybody specific in mind, so if you took it that way, please know that it's not at all what I intended. I'm sorry, ;_;

In regards to that incident, talking to my dad actually made me feel a lot better, which was kind of weird. Dad and I usually can't find much to say to each other on the phone, but every once in a while will have a 30-minute conversation about Deep Topics.

My mom has been telling me for years that she wants me to help her register an email address. Every time I ask her about it, she says she'll do it later. Today, I mentioned Facebook to her, and this seems to be another Internet Wish of hers - "I want you to show me how to go on that Facebook thing so I can see everybody!" So here's a fair warning - if you have anything in your Facebook profile that you don't want my mom to see, take it off. But really, you should anyway - don't people realize that prospective employers look at this stuff?? My cousin who's a TA at Iowa State said she looks up all her students before classes start - and I'll bet yours do too!
Speaking of which, I wonder what will happen when Mom looks at my blog. :)

I purchased a book for Amelia over the weekend, as part of my attempt to find a birthday present. The book is titled "That's Mean." Mia has been having problems misbehaving at daycare (ie: biting children, hitting children, talking back to room supervisors....She's not even 3 yet; They grow up so fast! TEAR.), so I think it will help rectify the problem. Each page has helpful tips such as "Biting your sister in the arm. THAT'S MEAN." "Coloring on the wall and blaming it on somebody else. THAT'S MEAN." "Skewering garden slugs. THAT'S MEAN." On the very last page, the text says "If you are very, very mean, then you will end up ALL ALONE." The main character, represented as a stick-figure, stares with a slackened jaw.
Creighton found the book so amusing that he started a thread in the Anime Club forum in which we write our own pages to the book. The thread is even a Sticky, which in the language of Internet messageboards means that it is Very Important and must remain at the top of the page so that everybody sees it. Be sure to scroll down and read my contribution. (My user name is 'Jackie.' How original.)
My mom's first reaction was "Well, that BOOK sounds kind of mean..." After a couple of beats she says, "I kind of like it, though. I'm sick of these happily ever after books. That never really happens."

I am my mother's daughter.

Current Music: Bad Days - The Flaming Lips Great lyrics for the moment
scribbled mystickeeper at 12:49 PM

"Speaking of which, I wonder what will happen when Mom looks at my blog. :)"

Wow, this is like Jackie coming out of the closet.

"I purchased a book for Amelia over the weekend, as part of my attempt to find a birthday present. The book is titled "That's Mean." Mia has been having problems misbehaving at daycare (ie: biting children, hitting children, talking back to room supervisors....She's not even 3 yet; They grow up so fast! TEAR.), so I think it will help rectify the problem. Each page has helpful tips such as "Biting your sister in the arm. THAT'S MEAN." "Coloring on the wall and blaming it on somebody else. THAT'S MEAN." "Skewering garden slugs. THAT'S MEAN." On the very last page, the text says "If you are very, very mean, then you will end up ALL ALONE.'"

Ryan approves..owe.

By Blogger Unknown, at 5:25 AM, April 10, 2006  

Oh your niece is awesome. If she was my niec, she would have a special place in my heart.

"biting children, hitting children, talking back to room supervisors" ====Number one child in Ryan's book.

By Blogger Unknown, at 5:27 AM, April 10, 2006  

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