wMay 19, 2004


I forgot! My mom gave me my present (well my real present will be one present from both parents that is a birthday and a graduation present combined....that being a laptop (or laptop? what the hell?) for use at college. Which will...OWN. But, my mom's present to me is a small light that clips on to a keychain, backpack, jacket, whatever. There is a sapphire in it, and it WILL LAST FOREVER. Seriously! It "provides soft illumination with a 180 degree viewing radius that is visible over one mile." And it never goes out! EVER. I feel like Frodo with the phial from Galadriel containing...what was it, the Star of...Elendil? Something like that. I don't know. It's obviously more proof that I am really a hobbit and meant to go on A Big Adventure to Save the World one day. Go me! Or rather, go Mom! for buying such geeky gifts because she knows I will get all excited about them.
scribbled mystickeeper at 4:12 PM

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